This week on the Not Back-to-School Blog Hop is a tour of our Homeschool Room.
For us, that space would be our small family room. Luckily this room is on the opposite side of the house from our living room so if someone happens to stop by they won't see the huge mess of books and papers, because the room is rarely as clean as they are here.
This is probably my favorite room in the house, it's small so it seems cozy, and it's got lots of windows so it's always bright (too bright when you are trying to take pictures).
It's right off the kitchen so it's convenient, and central to where we spend alot of time.
This is where we store most of our books, games, and manipulatives that we use everyday. I have two 8ft bookcases in another part of the house where the rest of our books are kept.
More books are kept in this entertainment center turned homeschool book storage center. In the basket on top we keep library books (away from little hands), and our index card box for our scripture memory system. And in the bottom drawers is craft supplies.
This shelf holds all of our school supplies. In the pull out drawers are nature coloring books, drawing books, and books. On the second shelf from the bottom is Ryan's shelf (our 2yr old), he has his own paper, coloring books, and dry erase board. Plus he has own washable markers, colors and dry erase colors. On the bottom shelf I plan to add things for him to keep him busy while we do school, like toys, playdoh, rice tray and such.
Here's our little table and computer. We have the cd player here for audio books and music. Usually it's covered with books and papers. We have another chair but Ryan can reach the table better with the stool, so it happens to be here today. Also the curtains are usually open but had to close them to take the picture, makes it look kinda dark and closed in though.
And this is our DIY chalkboard coffee table. It is usually covered in chalky scribbles.
We have a fireplace in here, which is good because it's the farthest room from the AC/Heating unit so in the winter it gets cool. I love to do school by the fire, and maybe even roast a marshmallow or two. I also display the art prints we study on the mantle.
One of our 'modified for us' workbox systems. We just started using this, this year and my kids love it. It's especially helpful to my 13yo organizationally challenged child., wish I'd discovered this years ago.
And here's another view of the room with maps, dry erase board, posters, and another workbox.
And this is not a great pic but right outside our homeschool room we have a large deck, so you might find us out here in the fall or spring. We also do our messy experiments and crafts here, bird watch, and in the fall have wiener roasts on the fire pit. We have another picnic table in the yard where we sometimes bring some school work.
Well thats it for our school space. Not very big, not very fancy...but we've created alot of memories in this small space and can't wait to create more this year.